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Friday, May 22, 2009

I've Ordered a New FREEZER!! :)

We have outgrown our freezer (see picture!), not to mention that it is older than the hills, has to be defrosted at least twice a year (what a pain!), and is probably eating us alive in electricity use!

I went yesterday and ordered a new one! YEAH! It is bigger, frost free, Energy Star, AND has alarms for temperature variations and door ajar (we lost all our freezer foods a few years ago due to the door being "ajar"!).

By waiting for a great sale, and taking advantage of additional savings with coupon codes (DH even laughed at my having coupon codes to save on a freezer!!), I was able to save $304 off my new freezer.

Now the hard part.....waiting the 2 weeks (June 3rd) for it to arrive! LOL! :)

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