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Friday, March 1, 2013

Measuring Laundry Detergent with the Cap.....BEWARE!

Do you find that you run out of liquid laundry detergent way too fast?  You probably do.

That the 32 load bottle you bought didn't seem to go that far?  It probably didn't.

If you use liquid laundry detergent, pay attention to the "fill-line" on the inside of the cap!  Yes, there really are "fill-lines" on the inside of the caps.  Are they easy to find or see?  No. 

Most laundry detergent now is very concentrated and only takes a little bit for a load of clothes.  I'm guilty of using too much, as many are.  Back in the day, before concentrated detergent, you "filled the cap" for a load of wash.  THIS IS NOT TRUE ANYMORE!  And I think companies count on that!

You will save a TON of money on laundry soap if you take a black Sharpie marker and mark the lines on the cap.  A regular load of laundry should only use #1 fill-line, which is the smallest marking on the cap.

I can almost bet you were at least filling that cap half full for a load, right?!?!  I know I was!  That is WAY too much and your "32 Load" bottle of detergent is gone in less than 16 loads. 

Below is a picture of the same amount in the above picture poured into a glass Pyrex measuring cup.

Just one and a half ounces!  A few tablespoons!  I was shocked, but now realize how much I've wasted over the years.  Even by "only" using 1/2 cap, I've used double the amount that I should have, costing twice as much for laundry detergent in the long run because I wasn't getting 32 loads from the bottle they way I was measuring it.

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